
Arrival and Accommodation

Foillsichte: 18.09.2018

Hello guys,

today I want to write a little bit about our arrival and our accommodation.

After a personally very difficult farewell to my loved ones, with a few tears flowing, we went through the security check.

Here, the first adventure already began. Pascal's hand luggage was not just waved through like mine, but was checked again separately. No wonder, since he looks pretty dangerous. But everything went through!

As we waited at the gate, the excitement grew faster and faster. With a few croissants, we were able to keep it in check a little bit, and soon we were able to start boarding.

Our first flight was with Turkish Airlines to Istanbul. I sat by the window and Pascal in the middle. So we waited for our third passenger in the row, hoping that they would relieve us a little bit in terms of seating. Fat chance! We saw him coming from a distance. A 2m tall man, estimated to be in his mid-20s and weighing around 140kg. So this man sat down next to us and said with a smile on his face: "Shit, I was actually hoping for 2 petite ladies!"

Well, in the end we survived the 3-hour flight, although a bit cramped, and then transferred to the next plane in Istanbul.

This one went to Bangkok.

Since we had to sit in the plane for 9 hours, we naturally hoped for better luck with the seats.

Thankfully, we were more lucky! A two-seater row, legroom so that even we could fully stretch our legs and had lots of space.

Although I couldn't sleep much on the plane, the flight was overall very pleasant.

When we arrived in Bangkok, we had 5 hours for our transfer. It seemed like a lot at first, but then it wasn't that much, because we had to go up 3 floors first and then walk 1km in this floor to get to our gate! We spent the rest of the time exploring the airport, which was really beautiful!

We were already a bit tired when we boarded the plane for the third and final time, headed to Auckland.

11 hours of flying, this time with Thai Airways! We didn't have much luck with the seating this time! Again, a three-seater row with little space, but what can you do, it's the last flight after all!

Then finally the time had come.

The pilot started the descent and we were able to catch a first glimpse of the country we had been preparing for so long, the country we had read and heard so much about. Even the first views were beautiful!

Many small islands, palm trees and beaches!

Once we landed, we went through a somewhat extreme baggage control. Since even the smallest violation of the rules here leads to a hefty fine of at least 400 dollars, we were actually quite nervous and thorough when sorting out our luggage! I even had to leave a pack of my beloved Airwaves Cassis closed in the plane, as even these would have become quite expensive gums...

But in the end everything went smoothly and we stood at the airport together with 2 other backpackers from Germany who were also starting their journey to New Zealand.

Since we had already had a good conversation together during the transfers at the airports, we decided to go to the hostel together, as they happened to be located almost next to each other.

After a really affordable ride to the hostel by a private person named Brad, who has made a profession out of chauffeuring backpackers, we arrived at the hostel.

Our room is certainly not a luxury suite, but it's enough for sleeping. Plus, the location of the hostel is really great!

A real highlight was taking a shower in the hostel after 31 hours of flying! A shampoo that my wonderful girlfriend gave me turned out to be the best gift anyone could have given me!

On the day of arrival, we explored the surroundings a bit, signed a mobile phone contract, and then fell into bed completely exhausted at 5pm.

Thanks to the 10-hour time difference, I was awake in the middle of the night, as my body clock was still at 2am, more like 4pm in the afternoon. But eventually I fell back asleep!

Now, on Wednesday, September 19th, we explored the city a bit more and went shopping.

There are many ideal options for us to eat nearby! The selection ranges from various burger places like Wendy's & Co. to Mexican food and kebabs! Those who know us know that our hearts really skipped a beat when we discovered this!

Now we're back at the hostel, about to have breakfast, and plan to open a bank account today and then go somewhere for a delicious meal!

We want to spend the evening on the rooftop terrace of our hostel and see if the Kiwis not only have a beautiful country, but can also brew beer.

In the attachment, I will post some pictures that I took since the departure.

Greetings from New Zealand, Auckland!

I miss you!❤
I miss you!❤
Bangkok Airport
Bangkok Airport
Flight to Auckland!
Flight to Auckland!
Arrival in Auckland
Arrival in Auckland
Ride with Brad!
Ride with Brad!
Hostel, as tidy as you know us!
Hostel, as tidy as you know us!

Your Tim!😊

Freagairt (4)

Yvonne Fiona
Lieber Tim , ich wünsche euch eine wundervolle Zeit mit vielen lieben Menschen tollen Erfahrungen und jeder Menge Eindrücken . Danke dass du uns dran Teil haben lässt 🍀👍


Geile Sache Tim ! Alles gute für Euch! Lass von Dir hören!

Toll, danke Tim. Ich darf auch dran teilhaben, an dein Abenteuer