
Santa Claus in Manhattan

Foillsichte: 08.12.2023

Today is not only St. Nicholas Day, but also the last full day of our trip around the world. It's crazy how quickly time went by!

The day started with something special, because unlike the last few times, today we took the ferry to Manhattan. When we arrived in Manhattan, we got on the hop on - hop off bus. The weather was perfect - cold but sunny. In the meantime it even snowed 😍. After two hours of sightseeing we were pretty cold, so we went to a cafe to warm up. Manhattan was much busier than the last few times. It was very busy and there were tourists everywhere. Nevertheless, the people were very friendly. There was a very special atmosphere in the air. Maybe a first glimpse of the splendor and contemplation of Christmas?!

After our feet were no longer lumps of ice, we strolled through a Christmas market to Rockefeller Center. In all its splendor, decorated with lots of colorful balls, a bright star at the top and lots of lights, it stood there - THE Christmas tree. It was a dream come true for Madlin and the sparkle in her eyes spoke more than a thousand words.

At the end of this wonderful day, we take a night tour by bus through Manhattan in the evening. Through Times Square, past beautifully decorated shops and buildings, to the Plaza Hotel, which is known, among other things, from the film “Kevin Alone in New York”.

We had a wonderful St. Nicholas Day and are now really looking forward to going home tomorrow.


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