

Foillsichte: 22.11.2017

08.11- 15.11.2017

Once again, I have a night drive behind me and once again I feel refreshed. I naturally slept through the exciting breakdown in the middle of the night. So for me, it was a very peaceful journey.

After checking in, I immediately went into the city. The first impression already confirms why so many people rave about Sucre. It's great. A very beautiful city.

You can simply walk through the streets, visit parks and museums.

I also visited some museums. Including a monastery, with a private Spanish guide, a museum on craftsmanship in Bolivia, and of course Bolivian history in general.

To get a great overview of the city, you can climb to the

San Felipe Neri Church.

In total, I stayed in Sucre for a week, which was not only because of the city itself, but also because of the people I met in the hostel. During the day, everyone did their own thing. Occasionally, we would meet up in cafes or sit together in the garden. In the evenings, after 'school' (almost everyone is learning Spanish here), we would go out to eat together or sit on the terrace and relax.

(an image will follow)


Aithisgean siubhail Bolivia