
USA 2022 Day 15 + 16

Foillsichte: 30.04.2022

On Friday, it was another travel day for us to visit friends.

After a leisurely breakfast at the hotel and a quick swim for Egg in the pool, we drove through Asheville's arts district (not really recommended) to Biltmore Village. Biltmore Village is also a neighborhood in Asheville and the historic part is very charming. It reminds me a bit of the Black Forest.

We treated ourselves to carrot cake and cheesecake at a bakery before heading to the Poinsett Bridge through an old highway and the woods.

In the middle of nowhere, I discovered a small old bridge near a waterfall. We took some time to relax and enjoy the forest before continuing on to Simpsonville.

We were welcomed with open arms and long hugs by Nadja and Andy, as we hadn't seen each other in 2½, almost 3 years.

We spent the evening enjoying a cozy snack and some beer that we brought.

On Saturday, Egg was woken up with a loud 'UNCLE EGG!!!!!!' by Logan, but he made up for it with his homemade chocolate milk for Egg. 😁

By chance, there was a typical American garage sale with lemonade stands in the morning. Just adorable.

In the afternoon, we visited a strawberry field where there were not only strawberries but also food stands, a small stage with live music, a dog show, a playground, and an amazing bouncy castle. Of course, we also picked a huge basket of strawberries, although we had to restrain ourselves from eating too many since we still wanted to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner.

Honest recommendation: go to Cracker Barrel. Delicious food. Great concept. With a small store at the beginning, it's simply an experience.

That's about it for Saturday. We were all pretty tired and quickly found our way to bed. 😴


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#south carolina#north carolina#asheville#simpsonville#poinsett brücke#usa 2022