
Arrival in South America

Foillsichte: 04.10.2018


After leaving Berlin Tegel, we make a stopover in London. 3 hours layover. Enough time for everything. Think again... While processing our paperwork, the nice gentleman at the counter tells us that we need to have a flight out of Colombia to even be allowed to enter.

30 minutes of internet research yield no promising results - bus tickets across the border cannot be purchased online and reasonable flights are only available for a lot of money - so we treat ourselves to flight tickets to Panama for nearly £700 and hope that we will get the money back (minus processing fees, of course) if we cancel.

The flight was good. 11 hours with food and the latest Hollywood blockbusters (what comes out in movie theaters these days is really ridiculous) make the time go by.


Bogota. Our hostel is great and in the beautiful neighborhood of 'La Candelaria'. Lots of color, lots of nice people, and lots of sun.

The city itself has a lot to offer. We treat ourselves to the first cup of coffee and stroll through the already rather urban downtown.

The trade of gemstones seems widespread. Everywhere near the 'Emerald Trading Centers', you can see young and old pulling small paper bags with green treasures out of their pockets, which are closely examined under a magnifying glass.

The view over the city suggests that it has even more to offer, but we want to move on - off to the countryside!

In the evening, we go to bed early. The next day should start with a bus ride to Armenia.

Freagairt (1)

Danke für die Nachricht. Hauptsache es klappt so mit der Rückersztattung.

Aithisgean siubhail Columbia