G&N in Norwegen
G&N in Norwegen

In love from the first few kilometers

Foillsichte: 31.08.2023

3 hours on the cutter go by very quickly. The sun comes out to greet us and Natascha sees the beautiful north of this world for the first time. It took less than 5 minutes and she was already blown away.

The drive to Mandal to the first campsite is not long, the streets are empty, there are no crowds. And everywhere stone, forest, lakes, fjords. A wonderful foretaste of this country.

When they arrive in Mandal, Günni MacGyver first sets about getting the trailer dry again.

On the roof we find a suspect who could be responsible for the damp room climate: simply a damn hole in the ceiling tile. How the hell?! We probably won't find out what happened. Without further ado, the crap thing is plastered over. And in the meantime it starts to drip again... let's hope it lasts.


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