
On the Road from Sydney to Byron Bay

Foillsichte: 25.05.2019

21.05 - 24.05.19

Helloooo everybody!!

We are excited, the first real road trip starts now!

Welcome aboard the fantastic Remy, get ready for 3 days and 3 nights of pure adventure.

So buckle up, here we gooooo!

After a cozy breakfast with Nina and Freddy in the Blue Mountains, we started our faithful Remy and set off to pick up our new travel companion, 24, male, from Canada, named Riel. After a warm hello and welcome aboard, we were off to a great start. First destination, Palm Beach. A small coastal town with twin beaches. After a short climb to the lighthouse, where we had a more than beautiful view, unfortunately, we had to move on because we needed to find a place to sleep for the night. Ideally before it gets dark at 5. It didn't go so well right away, but thanks to the strong bass and careful driving, to the relief of everyone, we didn't kiss a kangaroo. The free campsite in the middle of the forest wasn't very comforting at first, but once the campfire was blazing, the food was cooked, and we made friends with the neighbors, it got better.

Under a starry sky and with our new friend, the possum, we moved into the tent. (Unfortunately, the possum had to stay outside) Only to be woken up 3 hours later. By a serial killer who was hitting wood with his axe and standing heavily breathing next to our tent. I was sure this was the guy from the campsite in the Blue Mountains, with his mysterious white, giant van and his 'minced meat' cooking. I panicked and woke up Timo again, hoping for help!!! But all I got were ridiculous explanations like 'those are late arrivals making a fire and wombats breathe heavily because they are so fat.' The look out the window confirmed that I was absolutely right. No wombats in sight, and the car light and the kangaroo hopping away quickly confirmed that something was definitely fishy here!!!

Yeah friends, Timo's first nights in the tent with me were tough. But the next day, I walked for 20 minutes through the rainforest to get water from the 'nearby' waterfall. Because unexpectedly, last night we used our last water to cook noodles and now we're all half-dehydrated. When I came back from the tough climb, completely soaked (because someone had to stand under the waterfall to fill the canister), only to announce that this water is definitely not drinkable, we set off to the next supermarket. After stocking up on enough water and food, our journey took us through Newcastle, Port Macquarie, and Coffs Harbour to Byrooooon Baaay.

Kisses and love XO


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