

Foillsichte: 18.04.2021

The car has been returned after a whopping 5000km, we have moved into our last accommodation. We are enjoying a simple and extremely cozy large apartment with a garden, letting the impressions of the last few weeks sink in, organizing the PCR tests for the return flight, visiting the Craft Market, and doing some absurd things like having breakfast, dinner, or going for a coffee, as long as we can still do it before it is no longer possible at home.

Some of you may wonder why we are coming back 'already' now, even though we have until mid-May. We have been thinking about what else we could do and there would be a few options, especially in Africa, but after almost three months here, we are a bit Africa-saturated for now. We also considered going somewhere else, but we decided against it and listen to our gut feelings that tell us what matters: looking forward to Frida (the house in Vorchdorf), the workshop, the 'doing' and 'creating' of things, friends and family, and some more time to settle in and experience adventures at home before returning to everyday work life - those are the things that we are now longing for and that is why on April 22nd (if everything works out with the tests, etc.): hello home ❤️


Aithisgean siubhail Namibia