
18.01.2020 and 19.01.2020, My first marriage proposal

Foillsichte: 29.01.2020

On Saturday afternoon, James and I took the Trotro to the south of Teshie because I wanted to exchange some more money and do some shopping.
Trotros are minibuses that can accommodate about 16 people. Unlike Uber ('an app for ordering rides'), these are very cheap
(20 min ride= approx. €0.5) and are therefore very popular among Ghanaians.
I still find the traffic very intimidating and impressive. Even as a pedestrian, you have to be extremely careful because there are no sidewalks. When leaving the supermarket, I had to get my receipt stamped and the young lady asked me if I was married.
Of course, out of reflex, I immediately answered 'No' and then she immediately suggested that I marry the young man next to her.
She told me that he was really nice and he actually asked me if I wanted to marry him:D The conversation was really funny and likable, and not pushy at all.
We laughed a lot together.
But I guess I will have to get used to this in the coming weeks because Ghanaians seize every opportunity as soon as they see a white woman, as they are millionaires for everyone here
(which I definitely am not:D).
In addition, I am often called 'Obruni, obruni'. This means 'white woman', but it is by no means meant negatively.
The people are very nice and often smile at me or greet me as soon as they see me. Especially the children are always very friendly and curious. After I got home again, it was time to fetch water again to 'treat' myself to a bucket shower.
Afterwards, I rested. After all the experiences and emotions of the past week, I could really use it.
Unfortunately, I was hit by homesickness today :(
Well, there is no silence here either, because you can hear dogs barking, goats bleating, chickens, children screaming,
loud music, or people using their microphones to worship at all sorts of times. On Sunday, we went to Tema Beach around noon.
Before that, James showed me his home, which is a small 1-room corrugated iron hut for 4 people...
He lives there with his father and his 2 siblings.
The beach we went to is very beautiful and surprisingly not very littered.
However, unfortunately, there is a lot of plastic waste in the water. This was clearly visible when the fishermen pulled their huge net ashore.
I was also stared at again on the beach because of my skin color and was often asked to take pictures with strangers.
I also got my second marriage proposal:D
Apparently, my 'wedding ring' that I wear here doesn't scare everyone away...
Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that the people are all very kind and friendly and never intrusive!

Aithisgean siubhail Ghana