
Storforsen and Trollforsen

Foillsichte: 16.09.2022

Today was the day of the rapids! Since we had WiFi at the parking spot yesterday, we searched our travel route for interesting places. El suggested the town of Boden as a destination for the hope of a medieval castle. After consulting Uncle Google, it turned out that the fortress in Boden was rather of a modern nature - so it became instantly uninteresting.
Further down the road, in the middle of nowhere, I discovered Trollforsen as a 'tourist attraction' on Google. Fortunately, we stumbled upon Storforsen by chance. It is very accessible and well developed for tourists - unfortunately not an attraction for Google. Well, we found it and explored it. Seeing and hearing the masses of water is incredibly impressive. Right next to it, you can hardly hear your own words.
Afterwards, we visited Trollforsen, our original destination. Since we decided to take the shortest route, we passed by a military airport - stopping and taking photos was prohibited, which initially instilled a great deal of respect in us because the prohibition signs were so cluttered that you couldn't read them while driving past, but they were very insistent on prohibiting something - and ended up on a road that didn't deserve the name. The access to the rapids was not much easier to navigate. The car now has a completely different exterior design and it should be properly shaken as well.
Now we are at the end of the rapids, which are not as mighty as Storforsen but still very beautiful, and we are quietly ending the day.


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