

Foillsichte: 08.11.2016

6th/7th/8th NOVEMBER 2016

DAYS 7, 8 & 9

In the last few days, not much has happened, so I'll summarize these days in a blog post. Our last day in Brisbane (November 6th) was all about soaking up the sun. We had beautiful weather and went swimming one last time at our favorite spot by the Brisbane River.

In the evening, it was time to pack our backpacks, and I actually managed to fit everything back in... definitely something I was proud of.

The next day, we had to quickly pick up our bank card from the bank. Quickly was the plan, at least... Since we didn't have our passports with us (we had already shown them twice during the application process), we had to go back to the hostel. But hey, what's a 30-minute walk... each way. When we finally got the bank card in our hands, it was time to quickly pick up our luggage and go to the rental station to pick up our camper. Just like real backpackers do - of course, by train and on foot, that's why we have the backpacker backpack. Well, walking with 30 kg of luggage... I hated the backpacker life! According to Google, it was an 18-minute walk from the train station to the destination... in the blazing sun (where are the clouds when you need them ?!) and it felt like 40°C in the shade, it took us at least 50 minutes. Thankfully, we hadn't already been walking around Brisbane for 2 hours today... So, we arrived half-dead at the rental station, and our mood didn't improve when we saw the camper. Oh my goodness, it's so small...

What have we gotten ourselves into? At first glance, I couldn't even see enough space for my backpack... but well, we managed to fit everything in and off we went. It was my first time driving on the left side of the road, and I don't mean to brag, but I'm a natural xD. Everything went smoothly, and we arrived safely at the campsite in Maroochydore... a small town on the Sunshine Coast. There, we realized that the camper is really small. We'll have to get used to the new living situation. For dinner, we had our first barbecue... yammi!

We did really well for city girls. The first night in the camper was actually better than expected... you sleep really well!

Today, we went to Rainbow Beach. We changed our minds and decided to go on the Fraser Island tour. The place is not particularly exciting and is only a starting point for the tours, but we saw the sea for the first time and were at the beach.

We're staying overnight in a parking lot of a hostel, and since we can use everything here, it was our first time doing laundry.

I'm slowly getting used to camper life! However, I'm really looking forward to the 3-day Fraser tour, where we'll stay in a lodge and have all-inclusive meals!!!


Aithisgean siubhail Astràilia