Where have you been lately ...?
Where have you been lately ...?

After the illness is before the illness...

Foillsichte: 23.06.2019

... and Günther caught it again. After a less restful night, the morning comes too early. Aches and pains in the limbs and head, as well as fatigue, say 'Good morning...!

The way yesterday ended, today should begin: with shopping!!!

We have chosen a large outlet center for this purpose. Fortunately, it is located outside Vancouver.

But before that, a much more existential problem needed to be solved. Existential for this blog. The editorial team had forgotten to pack the charger for the camera battery. If you don't double-check everything...

Fortunately, the online research team found a 'Best-Buy' store nearby. There, a charger could be purchased, ensuring that the vacation would not be without pictures.

After that, we finally went to the main highlight of the day: the outlet center. There are no pictures from there, except for this one...

We briefly considered whether Günther should also try on something for fun. Let's see what the young textile saleswoman would have made of the phonetic name Günther...

Unfortunately, the rest of the planned day fell victim to the course of the illness...


Aithisgean siubhail Canada