
Blaganna Taistil Nua & Réadmhaoin Dubai

Day 2 & 3 - The initial shock quickly dissipated

After getting the first impression of the lecture, the Dubai vacation could finally really start. Fr...

Every adventure has a beginning & Mine started in Dubai

Day 1 - An exciting arrival day with a strange breakfast and a beautiful view of the tall constructi...

14.03.2020, Arrival in Sri Lanka

Unfortunately, there was not such nice news this morning. Nepal will definitely fall through, becaus...

Dubai / Day 27

Hello dear ones, yesterday I had the great opportunity to visit Dubai for a few hours on my journey....

Dubai Day 3

The third day was all about more of Dubai's superlatives: We visited the artificially created Palm I...

Dubai Day 2

On the second day in Dubai, we went up high, which is also the highlight of a Dubai stay. We went to...

Goodbye to Germany and arrival in Dubai

After a night on the plane, we spent our first day of the stopover in Dubai.

Boarding Completed

How do I get from A to B to C?