

Mein Reiseblog für meine 3 wöchige Reise nach Paraguay. Für alle, die gedanklich dem Alltag entfliehen wollen=)

Summary of Trips

Summary of Trips

3 hours in Madrid... Enough time to draw a conclusion.

Hangover on the last day

Day 20: 22.02.2018

Farewell party

Day 19: 21.02.2018

Goodbye to Wilm + Asado

Day 18: 20.02.2018

Some things going on..

Day 17: 19.02.2018

The Great Reunion

Day 15: 17.02.2018

My former school

Day 14: 16-02-2018

Botanical Garden and Zoo

Day 13: 02/15/2018

By boat to Chaco'i

Day 12: 14.02.2018

Shopping Day

Tag 11: 13.02.2018

Relaxed evening with friends.

Day 10: 12th February 2017

Bitten by the dog

Day 8: 10.2.2018

Al paseo en Areguá

Day 7: 09/02/2018

San Bernardino the Second

Day 6: 08/02/2018

Pilgrimage to Caacupe

Day 5: 07.02.2018 Part II

San Bernardino

.. The vacation spot for the rich and famous Day 5: 07.02. 2018

Take some time to recover with tea in the sun

Day 4: 06/02/2018, tea, sunbathing, and a crazy shopping center

Short trip to Luque

Day 3: 05/02/2018

Shopping in Paraguay

From giant avocados to German beer to yogurt in plastic bags

Little cold coming on.. :-(

Day 2: 04.02.2018 Presentation of a technical masterpiece

Departure 1 - Munich - Madrid - Asuncion

Airport-airplane-airport-airplane... And very expensive pretzels

Day of departure

Day of departure and a sweet surprise=)

Countdown und Reiseplan (sofern vorhanden)

Hier findet ihr den Reiseplan oder besser gesagt unsere Ideensammlung

Only 2 more weeks

The excitement is building. Thoughts and feelings =)