
Tag 319 - climbing @ Bat cave with rain ☺️

Publisearre: 18.12.2022

Hello my dears 

Today we had booked our climbing morning, which is why the alarm clock rang at 7:30 am.

Kevin had a restless night, he must have eaten something wrong yesterday... He still had stomach pain this morning, so he only accompanied me as a spectator today.

At 9:30 am we reached the climbing shop as agreed and since it started raining at 9 am, we were not sure if the climbing would take place at all.

We told our guide named Pin (the same guide we always had) about Kevin's stomachache and that only I would climb. But Pin had other plans for us, which we were very excited about later!

I got shoes, helmet and magnesium again, and then we walked to Phra nang Beach. We walked to the end of the beach, then we saw a small trail that seemed to lead into the jungle. We followed the trail for about five minutes, then we came to a cave entrance. To reach it, we climbed up a bamboo ladder and it was pitch black inside. At the beginning we could still see a little, a few meters further we needed the flashlights of our phones. It went higher and higher, but perfectly equipped with bamboo ladders, up to a hole from which we could enjoy a beautiful view. But it went on! Up to another hole on the opposite side. There too, we had a fantastic view and the cool thing was: We were lowered from the hole and landed directly at a climbing wall!

That alone was awesome! Since Kevin didn't have a climbing harness, I was lowered first and then sent my harness back up to Kevin on the rope.

When everyone arrived safely down, I put on all the equipment and started with the first route. A 5c lead climb ☺️

Unfortunately, the shoes were so tight today that I could barely touch the wall with my toes. After that, I climbed a long 6a route, which was really challenging, but the shoes were already flying during the abseiling ☺️

Man oh man, so tight! 

But we were all very satisfied with the morning and for the finale, this route was just perfect! Demanding, but not overwhelming, great route setting and the view from the top... Truly fantastic!

We happily walked back to the beach and our guide accompanied us to our bungalow. There we sat on the terrace together, had a beer and got to know a lot about Pin. He has four children, but no wife anymore, they live on the border with Malaysia and he sends them all the money he earns. He sleeps in the shop, he is allowed to lay his bamboo mattress on the floor there from 10 am. His oldest son is in the military right now, but only for one year. The recruitment process here is unbelievable:

First, as usual, there is a health check, but then the healthy men have to draw lots - red lot = army - black lot = lucky!

However, his son volunteered, because he wants to become a police officer and the military makes it easier for him to get started. His father is worried about him, but he is very happy about his career choice as a police officer - it is a coveted job here because of the pay.

Pin was even here on Railay during the tsunami and he told us really terrible stories...

At 1 pm he had to go back to work, but before saying goodbye, Kevin had a farewell gift: During the whole conversation, we looked at his helmet, which had more hail damage than we could count. That's why Kevin decided to give him his helmet, because Pin would never be able to afford something like that himself. Pin was incredibly happy, it was written all over his face. He told us that his boss noticed Kevin's helmet the day before yesterday and told him that this was a very good helmet. He put it on right away and proudly walked to work with his new helmet :)

In total, Pin spent a little less than an hour with us, but during that time we hung on his every word!

Kevin and I stayed on the terrace until 3 pm, which is fortunately mostly covered. 
We never thought we would be grateful for the hotel's umbrellas! Because by now it had cooled down quite a bit and we wanted to go out and eat something.

There is very little going on on the whole island today because of the rain, making it even quieter than usual - just wonderful.

We found a restaurant and shared spring rolls as an appetizer, Kevin had stir-fried rice with seafood and I had a club sandwich :)

Then we went back to the bungalow and actually fell asleep for a little more than an hour :)

Now it's 9 pm and we're enjoying the evening on the terrace :)

Tomorrow not only a change of accommodation is planned, no... We're also changing islands :)
We're taking the ferry to Koh Lanta - you'll find out the rest tomorrow ;)

Until theeeeeeeeeeeeeen

Antwurd (2)

Ach, was seid ihr für gute Menschen! Das ist ja mega lieb von Kevin!!!

Nadia @ Mum: Ja, ich war auch hellbegeistert von seiner Idee ☺️☺️☺️☺️

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