
Rio Gallegos

Publisearre: 15.02.2020

On Friday morning, 14.02., we set off from El Calafate to Rio Gallegos on the Atlantic coast. We had loaded my BMW into the van the night before. The route to Rio Gallegos was unspectacular. Along the way, we saw many guanacos again, but also increasingly the ostrich-like, but smaller, rheas. When we arrived in Rio Gallegos, we stayed with the local firefighters, of course again rustic in sleeping bags on the floor. I parked my GS in a corner of the fire station. On the way back from Tierra del Fuego, we will pick it up again and hopefully be able to mount the wheel that has hopefully arrived by then. It was sent from Rome today. In the evening, we had a barbecue and sat comfortably together. In the outdoor area of ​​the fire station, there were decommissioned fire trucks from the 1950s.


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