

Publisearre: 23.03.2023

The journey from Tamarindo to Nicaragua was adventurous, to say the least. I was so lucky at the border crossing, without the Australians I met on the way there, I wouldn't have made it over. So we formed a tight-knit community at short notice and made it through together.

The rest of the way to Granada was still challenging, but manageable. It's really pretty here, despite the usually cruel meaning, the colonial style has charm. But there are hardly any people on the road, the streets are quite empty.

Nicaragua itself is pretty dirty from what I've seen so far. Let's see how it will be!

But the best thing is the volcanoes everywhere. Granada is practically at the foot of Mombacho, not far away is Masaya, and in general, you can say that you are either near a volcano, volcano remnants, or landscape features created by eruptions. Love it


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