
Day 2 - Hamburg

Publisearre: 31.07.2018

The Central Committee has decided that we should ride our bikes to Hamburg instead of taking public transport, which wants to impose its rigid times on us again. 35 km according to the reception doesn't sound sooo tragic (without any hills). Think again...

It was already oppressively warm in the morning, and it got even hotter throughout the day. Consequently, we arrive in Hamburg somewhat grilled, having invaded through the harbor district and the old Elbe Tunnel. Of course, the big harbor tour is a must, so we cruise for two hours with our skipper Sven, a true Hamburger original as a South German would imagine, through the murky waters of Hamburg's harbor. As a country bumpkin from the Allgäu region, you are somewhat impressed when you pass by towering ships that make you feel tiny. The pinnacle of decadence, however, is the MSC Meraviglia, which also boasts an entire amusement pool with a roller coaster slide, which would make many big cities green with envy. Not our thing, and I think to myself, it's good that the city of Hamburg has imposed driving bans for diesel cars on certain streets. Both amusing and depressing is the information that the (architecturally interesting and visually impressive) Köhlbrand Bridge, which was recently renovated for a fortune, is soon to be demolished so that a tunnel can be built in its place to allow even larger ships to pass through.
Exhausted from the heat, we make our way back after a very, very good vegan meal at Dock3 and return to the campsite with our last, or second to last, bit of energy, and one of us more, the other less, bitten by mosquitoes.
