
Travel times in Norway

Publisearre: 17.06.2023

After breakfast with a magnificent fjord view and a bit of housework, we continued towards Kristiansund. Leaving Trondheim behind, still on the expressway, I wondered if we might prefer to take a side road instead of the highway. So I said, let's do it, took the next exit and off into nature. The winding road became increasingly empty and eventually was no longer paved. When I asked how long this would go on, the answer was about 10 km. Okay, in Norway you need a lot more time. We got to experience a very beautiful landscape, and there would have been a magnificent parking spot in nature, only a little too early in the day.

There were more and more fjords, a short stop in Kyrksaeterora with a small fishing port, stopping at various beautiful picnic spots, and stopping at a sign with a brown rooster (which indicates special accommodations and restaurants, as we learned). Actually, it was closed, but the owner was just arriving to unlock the barn, originally built by her grandfather. Inside was a restaurant and a store selling various homemade products. A huge barn, beautifully renovated, where the daughter and son of the family celebrated their wedding.

I was drawn further towards the Atlantic Road, a place I have been looking forward to since we decided to go to Norway. Eventually the road abruptly ended at a ferry terminal. I'm not so good on the sea, so I always feel a little uneasy, especially when it's windy...

Incredible how quickly it goes with the ferries here. Payment is made directly through the license plate recording. On the way there, she already "opens her mouth" as soon as the ferry docks, and the vehicles quickly zoom out. And we were in pole position, ready to drive right in.

After 23 minutes, we were already driving off the ferry, thankfully. The sea was quite rough and I was very happy to have solid ground under the wheels again.

In Kristiansund, we parked in a free parking lot in the middle of the city and explored it after a snack, although the city's charm did not reveal itself to us.


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