
Day 39 - 100 Tips for 1 Day

Publisearre: 03.02.2023


It's a rare experience. Today we are woken up by a loud cockatoo fooling around on our roof. The sun greets us warmly as we prepare our fruits for the müesli. The ducks around us would also enjoy it very much, so Marco hardly has a quiet moment.

Once everything is packed, Vicky sets off with the two teenagers and heads towards Belmont. At the first campsite we aim for, we find a spot - the last one, mind you. While checking in, we meet a very nice and talkative couple. They ask about our afternoon plans, which, as always, we still don't have. With great enthusiasm and interest, they give us 5 brochures, four beach recommendations, various sightseeing options, and the note about the wonderful sunset right in front of their campsite at Lake Macquarie. To process all the information and decide what we should do, the monkey needs coffee (Sarah always comes along ;). We quickly decide to take a short walk at Caves Beach. When we arrive, it's still beautifully warm. That's why we first set up at the beach. But it turns out differently than expected. Sarah can't stand a second on the towel. Because the caves can only be visited during low tide, which has already started. Marco follows suit and we explore the many little caves.

Back at the towel, it's time to enjoy, but the high waves lure us into the ocean. The water is pleasantly warm and we let ourselves be carried by the waves or somersault (Sarah gets caught several times and ends up in the sand). In the evening sun, we dry ourselves a little before starting the drive back to the campsite. For dinner, we have pasta-pesto salad. Speaking of the announced sunset: it is also denied to us today. Because big, dark clouds move in about 30 minutes before and stay until it gets dark. Then they partly disappear again, so that we can see the moon and stars.


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