Uji (Alb. Wasser)

Uji (Alb. Wasser)


Unsere Reise ging am 01.05.2023 in Igouminotsa in Nordgriechenland los. Das Ziel: Fusion Festival Mecklenburg Vorpommern. Mal schauen, wie weit wir mit unseren zwei Fahrrädern und sechs Taschen so kommen :)

Pag - Rab - Krk (Croatia 1.2)

Our last days in Croatia. Cycling through the islands to escape the highways.

Croatia 1.1: Between Highway and Gravel Road

With ups and downs, both physically and mentally, we continued our journey back to Germany on the bi...

Mei koarte etappes troch Montenegro

Op in stuit koenen de rein en de kjeld ús net mear ôfhâlde en stapten wy op ús pakte fytsen, namen ô...

A picture of Albania

How to create a written picture of what we saw while driving through Albania. There were many things...

Radfahrern in Tirana

And traffic seems to be an impassable obstacle everywhere. But there is a trick on Albania's roads, ...

Albania: Of broken brakes and the warmth of the people

It is a kind of people that Lucas and I cannot get used to until the end of our two weeks in Albania...

Days in Albania

Exactly 14 days after the start of our journey at four o'clock in the morning, squeezed between our ...