
May 24/25: Le Puy-en-Velay

Publisearre: 26.05.2019

I can't keep up with the travel blog anymore, the days are too full.

That's why I'm trying to condense Le Puy-en-Velay into one blog post.

But it was way too emotional.

I reach the place from where pilgrims have been setting off to Santiago de Compostella since the Middle Ages, since 1200. Several European Jacob's routes merge here: it's a huge meeting point.

On Friday, we start slowly in Le Cros, first a Romanesque church from the 12th century in Saint-Paulien.

Slow start
Slow start


After a short distance, unfortunately, the visit to the castle in Polignac was not possible, the ticket office was closed for lunch.

St. Roch
St. Roch in Polignac

Instead, I met Brigitte and Angelika from Cologne/Aachen, who are finishing their pilgrimage in Le Puy. We spent two amazing days together.

I don't even know how to summarize Le Puy.

The cathedral, the statue of Notre-Dame de France, the St. Michel chapel on the volcanic cone - it's indescribable. And I've made it this far! Unbelievable, I can't believe it!

And then Arni arrives to accompany me for 12 days.

Unbelievable, incredible moment at the statue of Notre-Dame de France: I'm standing at a postcard stand. Henny and Cor, our deceased friends from Bussum/Holland, appear to me. Henny and Cor, who awakened this dream in me, in whose memory I am walking this path. They walked this path in 1993. I walk in their footsteps and they accompany me...

If it wasn't for St. James, none of this would be happening.

In the evening, an amazing light show to conclude:

An unforgettable day came to a close late, our hostel even allowed us until 11 p.m.
Antwurd (4)

Du hast es bis hierher geschafft! Du wirst es auch zu Ende bringen. Unfassbar, das musst Du einfach glauben!

Sehr schön geschrieben, weiterhin buen Camino

Hallo Heimbert, ich habe mir leider erst am letzten Wochenende die konkrete Adresse deines Blogs besorgen können und habe eine ganze weile darin gestöbert. Ich bin absolut beeindruckt von deiner Leistung und dem schönen Blog, mit dem ich ein Stück des Wegs quasi mit dir gehen kann. Gratulation, dass du das so durchziehst!! Halte weiter tapfer durch und lass dich von den Erlebnissen berühren! Ich werde dir (auf dem Blog) folgen. Viele Grüße! Steffen Fichtler

Paps wir sind unglaublich stolz! So viele Emotionen wie in diesem Eintrag gab es bisher kaum. Es tut gut so von dir zu lesen. Wir lieben dich!