
44 to Carcassonne / End

Publisearre: 02.05.2024

Distance 55 kilometers, cumulative 3,864 kilometers | Elevation 80, cumulative 29,170

Although heavy rain and wind were forecast for today, it stopped raining in the morning. The wind was strong, but it came from the west and actually helped me.

I made good progress, although the path along the canal was very difficult in places. Many places were very soft and slippery. But I can deal with it now, even if I'm still a long way from being a mountain biker.

The worst part was the last few kilometres before Carcassonne, where I made very slow progress. I was really happy when I was able to cross the city on tarmac roads. After that it was rocky and swampy again until the point where my drive belt simply broke when I started moving (see photo).

So I looked for the nearest bike shop. It was only 4.5 kilometers away, a distance that was easy to manage by pushing the bike. Unfortunately, the shop just shook its head and left me standing in the rain, so to speak.

So I looked for another one, which I found in Carcassonne, which was only a few kilometers away. Unfortunately, I couldn't get there on foot, so I called and asked them to pick me up. Even though they said on the phone that they didn't know my system and couldn't repair it, they picked me up. Not only did I think that was great, it was my lifesaver!

Now I was allowed to leave my broken bike there and I walked to the nearby hotel, from where I am now writing this, unfortunately last, blog entry.

My tour may be over now, but it is still complete, because I have cycled around the whole of Spain and Portugal, covering almost four thousand kilometers, and thus reached my actual goal. The journey home will now be by car and not by bike.

My head is full of impressions and experiences that even this unwanted interruption cannot diminish. I am proud of what I have achieved and would like to thank everyone who has accompanied and supported me.


Even today heavy rain and wind are forecast, and by morning the clouds had disappeared. Only the wind was strong, but it went west and supported me.

Advance well although the path along the canal was sometimes very difficult. Many places were very bland and boring. Now I can handle it, although there are still places to be a mountain cyclist.

The poor ones drove the last few kilometers before Carcassonne, where they advanced very slowly. I was very impressed when I could cross the city on asphalt roads. I then continued on through the rough and sloping ground until I reached the point where my transmission belt simply broke when I started driving (see photo).

So we looked for the bike shop closest. This was only a 4.5km distance because it was a distance that could be easily covered by taking pictures. Unfortunately, my head simply sank and I left in the cold, that's how I decided.

Then I looked for another place to find in Carcassonne, which was a few kilometers away. Lamentably, I couldn't get to the foot like that and the pedigree recognized me. Even though I was confused by the phone that didn't recognize my system and couldn't fix it, I recognized it. I didn't just think that he was brilliant, but that he was my salvation!

Now they let me leave my bike route and walk to the hotel nearby, from where I wrote this, lamentably, last post on the blog.

Even though I've run for my life, it's still over because it ran about four thousand kilometers between Spain and Portugal and it struck me as my real objective. The return home will now be made by car and not by bike.

My head is full of impressions and experiences that I don't want this break to be diminished. It's amazing what he said and I want to appreciate all those who accompanied and supported me.

Although heavy rain and wind were forecast for today, it stopped raining in the morning. Only the wind was strong, but it came from the west and actually helped me.

I made good progress, although the path along the canal was very difficult in places. Many places were very soft and slippery. But I can deal with it now, even if I'm still a long way from being a mountain biker.

The worst were the last few kilometers before Carcassonne, where I made very slow progress. I was really happy when I was able to cross the city on tarred roads. After that, it was rocky and swampy again until the point where my drive belt simply broke when I started moving (see photo).

So I looked for the nearest bike shop. It was only 4.5 kilometers away, so a distance that was easy to manage by pushing. Unfortunately, the shop just shook its head and left me standing in the rain, so to speak.

So I looked for another one, which I found in Carcassonne, which was only a few kilometers away. Unfortunately, I couldn't get there on foot, so I called and asked them to pick me up. Even though they said on the phone that they didn't know my system and couldn't repair it, they picked me up. Not only did I think that was great, it was my lifesaver!

I was then allowed to leave my broken bike there and I walked to the nearby hotel, from where I am now writing this, unfortunately, last blog entry.

My tour is now over, but it is still finished because I have circumnavigated the whole of Spain and Portugal in almost four thousand kilometers and thus reached my actual goal. The journey home will now be by car and not by bike.

My head is full of impressions and experiences that even this unwanted interruption cannot diminish. I am proud of what I have achieved and would like to thank everyone who accompanied and supported me.

Antwurd (9)

Herzliche Gratulation zu deiner grossartigen Leistung. Wenn schon Schaden, dann lieber materieller Schaden und keine körperlichen Einschränkungen. Nun erhole dich gut….

Vielen lieben Dank. Ich freue mich, dich bald in Carcassonne zu sehen und mit dir zusammen heimfahren zu dürfen.

Wievivh Dir schon geschrieben habe. Du bist besser als die Technin, denn du bist fit, gesund und munter. Das Erlebte kann Dir keiner nehmen.

Ich bin so wahnsinnig stolz auf Dich. Du hast es geschafft, das Fahrrad nicht😅🥰

Lieber René Es war schön deine Tour zu verfolgen. Ich gratulieren dir zu dieser Leistung. Während deiner Reise hast du viel erlebt und trotz schlechtem Wetter und anderen Widrigkeiten immer dein Ziel vor Augen gehabt. Dass die Technik dich im Stich gelassen hat war nicht schade, jedoch deine Erlebnisse werden dir bleiben und dich weiter begleiten. Ich wünsche dir noch eine schöne Heimreise und grüsse dich, Hanspeter

Lieber René Herzliche Gratulation zu deinem Erfolg. Immerhin hast du es bis Carcassonne geschafft, eine Stadt, die ich schon seit ewig gerne einmal besuchen würde. ich wünsche dir eine gute Heimreise, die dich nun wohl nicht in Köniz vorbeiführen wird. Trotzdem bis hoffentlich bald einmal!

Lieber Egon Herzlichen Dank für deine einfühlsamen Worte. Grad war ich in Carcassonne Cité (die mittelalterliche Stadt). Das ist wirklich sehenswert und ein Besuch lohnt sich! Ja, es ist schade, dass ich nun den letzten Stopp nicht in Köniz machen kann. Sei ganz herzlich gegrüsst René

Hallo René Vielen Dank für deine vielen ausführlichen und interessanten Blog-Einträge deiner grossen Veloreise. Vor allem gratuliere ich dir auch zur diesjährigen sehr anstrengenden Tour um die Inerisxje Halbinsel; oft auf sehr abenteuerlichen und schlechten Wegen, und das in einem Alter, wo viele Zeitgenossen am liebsten nur noch auf dem Sofa sitzen und den Tag an sich vorbeiziehen lassen. Irgendwie aber auch schade, dass die Tour nun so abrupt enden musste - aber wie bereits Andre geschrieben hat: zum Glück nur ein defektes Velo, aber keinen körperlichen Schaden. Lieber Gruss Christoph

Herzlichen Dank Christoph. 🙏👋

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