
Noch 2 Tage...

Publisearre: 26.09.2018

In less than 48 hours I'll be in the air - heading towards the 5th continent... Australia...

A journey I've wanted to make for a long time but always postponed, why actually...?

But now it's time... Now, after almost 20 years, I'm leaving my professional home and facing a new challenge from November.

Now that I have a clear mind... the old task completed, the new one not yet there... Free as a bird, in the best positive sense...

With my girls at the goodbye...:-)

At least I hope so - tomorrow is my last day of work... Today my little goodbye party... some nice moments - e.g. with my girls, and also a few not so nice ones... doesn't matter, it's over tomorrow, quite easy...

With my girls at the goodbye...:-)
With my girls at the goodbye...:-)

Quite easy is the keyword... I'm traveling with light baggage, just with my backpack... I had it with me last time in the south of Africa... a landmark experience... maybe it should be the same this time... or maybe with a bit more luggage, after all I want to go to the Opera House in Sydney... :-)

Should I travel with light baggage...
Should I travel with light baggage...
or maybe with a bit more...
or maybe with a bit more...

My EMBA material...?
My EMBA material...?

Never mind, it'll be fine. But it won't work without documents, so definitely a backpack and suitcase... ;-)

The route looks promising:

On Friday noon, 28.9. it starts: from Zurich via Singapore to Sydney... Arrival on Saturday in the late afternoon - almost 24 hours of travel, around the half world...

Then a few days in Sydney - first arrive, then on to Adelaide, Kangaroo Island is waiting. Then by plane to Brisbane and up the Gold Coast including Fraser Island and a small cruise in the Great Barrier Reef; and finally over to Darwin in Kakadu National Park - greetings from Crocodile Dundee...:-)

Australia, I'm looking forward to you!


Reisrapporten Austraalje