Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)
Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)

From princes, poet princes, and other sausages....

Julkaistu: 05.05.2022

The left testicle said to the right testicle, 'We're here already!'

To which the right testicle replied, 'SNORE....'

The left one, louder: 'Wake up, we're here!'

And the right one: 'Huh...What? We're here? Yippee!'

Then the left one said, 'Just kidding! Still 10 kilometers straight ahead! Haha! You fool!'

That's how I felt today. I chose a terrible route to Ravenna and San Marino! My own fault!

Finally arrived in Ravenna, I visited the mausoleum of Theodoric. Yeah, that guy was important in his time! Tales (Dietrich of Bern) and myths revolve around him, and even as a little, slender rascal with leather patches on my pants, I soaked up his stories. Anyway, it's proven that he beat up Odoacer and took his kingdom from him. At that time, Odoacer had conquered the Western Roman Empire and spoiled the Romans' gelatinous nightingale tongues. By Jupiter! Damn barbarians!

Furthermore, I wanted to visit Dante's mausoleum, but there was a crowd of people in front of the door and I didn't want to waste my time in the purgatory of waiting and the infernal torment of standing around! Too bad, my dear poet prince, maybe we'll meet in heaven....

So, up on my Berta and off to San Marino!

A beautiful, hilly old town with a castle and all the trimmings was waiting to be visited! The view from a distance already made me eager for more! But then it started to rain, and now I'm sitting in my room, waiting for better weather, taking a photo of a sausage (that would be a culinarily valuable dick pic, no lady would have a problem with it!) and once again proving that I am a little piggy.

I hope for better weather tomorrow, right in the morning...

The end!

P.S.: Then there's the issue with the spelling mistakes....

Vastaus (3)

Weiter eine schöne Reise mit viel Drum und Dran. Wir warten quasi schon täglich auf deine Hiasi-Berichte und das Teihaben. LG

Die Moserin kommentiert - Bemerkung dient dazu, um Verwechslungen mit der Scherfin zu vermeiden. 😅 Echt geniale Berichterstattung...

Lass dir in San Marino die berüchtigte Bohnensuppe mit Speck schmecken😋...

San Marino
Matkaraportit San Marino