
Arrival in Sydney

Julkaistu: 11.10.2018

Unfortunately I don't have any great pictures of the airport or of Sydney. The day was quite unspectacular. After the approximately 24-hour journey, I already met some exciting people at the airport. We will be spending the first week together in Sydney. In the afternoon, we went to the office of the work and travel organization, but today there was only the most important information. After that, I desperately tried to stay awake in order not to succumb to jet lag. Unfortunately, the weather didn't play along either. It was raining.

Here's a quick glimpse of my 6-bed room... It's spacious... But also very cold! Let's see how the first night goes 😜

Vastaus (1)

Supi, so kann ich deine Eindrücke mitverfolgen. Alles Gute!