
Tag 45 - Drive to Takaka

Julkaistu: 19.03.2017

Today I planned to drive to Abel Tasman National Park. No matter which backpackers I have talked to in the last few weeks, they all raved about Abel Tasman. It was convenient that Valerie from Hamburg, whom I met in Okarito (Day 29), was also near Abel Tasman National Park. She is doing a multi-day hike in the park. So we arranged to meet in the town of Takaka. Among backpackers, this is considered one of the hippie towns of New Zealand. And it definitely lived up to that reputation. The town is full of people dressed like hippies. But we drove another half an hour by car to a small bay where we could swim. As twilight set in, we made our way back to Takaka. Valerie was camping in a spot permitted by the city, right in the middle of the forest. I had never seen anything like it before. There was no access road, and then we had to walk about 500 meters through the forest. Everywhere in this forest, which turned into a wide river bed on the other side, there were people lying on the ground with or without tents. It was incredibly dirty in some places, plus there was loud electronic music. What a 'campsite'!

Fortunately, Valerie had chosen a spot all the way at the back where she was camping. We spent the evening by the campfire with about 30 other campers, a great way to end a beautiful day!

Tomorrow we're heading towards the Marlborough Sounds, and I'm really looking forward to it, as the area impressed me despite the many impressions from the ferry ride.
