
High plateau on the border between Hordaland and Telemark

Julkaistu: 29.06.2023

For the day, sunshine was announced in the first half of the day, so get up early. Our neighbors, both to the left and right of us, took it a little more seriously and left at 4:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m., respectively.

Our drive started early for our standards, a 7 was still before the time. The lakes passing by were still mirror smooth, the whole surroundings reflected in them, incredible images. Our first stop was at Latefossen, a waterfall that splits and sprays passing vehicles with its mist. It was still in the shade and this added a little more mystique to the whole spectacle.

There were also a few construction sites along the way. The traffic controller went from car to car in the queue and informed us that it would take about 15 minutes before we could drive. After the announced duration, the column from the other direction also appeared, with a car with 'Folg meg' on the roof leading the way. Off we went in our direction, everyone obediently and without trouble or haste in the column, that's how it can go!

We continued uphill, the snowfields at the roadside became more numerous. The landscape interspersed with rocks and lakes, these too mirror smooth, and completely surrealistic images formed around us. We decided to take advantage of the sunshine on the high plateau, parked Louise in a nice spot, and set off on foot. The hiking trail was very adventurous, snowfields blocked the way. I wonder if there is a stream underneath? Will the snow cover hold us anyway? Doesn't matter, we'll make the path summer-ready now and clear the stones for crossing the stream. The boy had fun again, admittedly I did too!

Three sheep, which were previously to the left of us, clearly enjoyed our hiking activity and accompanied us on our way or showed us the way when we lost track.

When we returned to Louise, it was time to go swimming. Shortly before, we had sweated during the uphill walk, but by now it had cooled down, the wind had picked up, and the clouds had become more numerous. Doesn't matter, into the cold water! Yes, it was really cold, parts of the shore still lined with snow. Nevertheless, it felt really good, and the warm food tasted even better in warm clothes!


Matkaraportit Norja