
Long distances

Julkaistu: 08.03.2022

Yesterday and today there were many kilometers. Yesterday by foot, today by car. My hike to the Platanar volcano was challenging but beautiful. 3 hours up, 3 hours down. From 1640 to 2040 m. So not all the way to the top. The volcano itself is another 100 m higher, but I had to conserve my energy and couldn't go further. The path initially seemed easy, but became more and more surreal with each meter. Real primary forest, the way to go is indicated by where it is the muddiest and most difficult to climb (because the trees and branches are missing to hold on to, it was so steep). I was completely alone and accordingly cautious. So one step at a time, fully focused. I owe a lot of support to the hiking stick I got from the forest. At the top of my personal 'summit', I was completely covered in dirt, sweaty and happy. Then I had to go back down. Slowly, very slowly. OK, here are my limits. Good to know! Food and water were gone. Everything worked out. Really tired but in high spirits I returned. Took a break (OK, here's Netflix... DARK, German series... cool.) showered, had dinner with a beautiful sunset. San Vincente Hideaway is a family business run by three siblings. Everything was built with their own savings three years ago. Respect.

At breakfast I had a nice conversation with a family from San Jose. They also know the partner school of Hugo Höfler Realschule. The Colegio Humboldt is very good.

Today then the long drive to Manzanillo. The roads were really good. But the main artery through the middle of Costa Rica is currently being expanded to four lanes. Lots of construction sites. Noticeable: Chinese machines, Chinese accommodations on the roadside, Chinese characters. This is how China does it. For money (or whatever...) we'll build you a road.

I encountered two birds on the roadside. A macaw and a toucan. Without a national park.

Around Limon you can see all the fruit companies: Dole, Delmonte, Chiquita... No wonder, there are huge pineapple and banana plantations all around. All monocultures.

I would describe my room here in Manzanillo as very simple. But it's OK for 2 nights.

What am I grateful for today? That I climbed my own summit and then turned around.

I'm in the Caribbean. What's there to eat and drink?


Costa Rica
Matkaraportit Costa Rica