
3rd day of the study trip

منتشر شده: 05.06.2018

...07:16 am...eyes open and the day begins. The first thing I do is go to the window to take a look outside....but I should have left that alone. Thick clouds hang in the valley, fog clings to the cliffs ...and that's where we want to go boating.....mmmmmhhhhh...motivation is different 🙈

But never mind, shower, brush teeth, off to breakfast. We have been going down our stairs and then out a door to the outside and then from the outside to the reception to the breakfast room every time we came out of our room, our landlady is so nice and tells us that we don't actually have to do that, because there is an indoor staircase that leads to breakfast...I can't shake the feeling that her laughter in that moment is slightly mischievous 🙃 ...after breakfast, we pack and then we head towards Les Vignes, because that's where we start our tour to Les Rozier. This is supposed to be the most beautiful part with white water.

We pass small stone houses, overhanging rocks and stop at Pas de Soucy, this is an impassable spot where there was a rockfall and therefore it cannot be passed by boat. We pay the obligatory 50 cents to use the observation platform and after 15 steps I curse a little the 20km we did yesterday...🤪, because my thighs also say good morning 🤣 when we reach the top, it becomes clear why you definitely CANNOT drive here..

After the stopover, we continue to Les Vignes. We find the entry point relatively quickly and easily. We park the car and then we start pumping. Now we just need to put all our stuff in the boat and off we go 🛶 - by the way, we left the bad weather behind and the ☀️ is shining...

The route is picturesque, there is dense green vegetation and trees along the banks, the cliffs have receded a bit but are still mighty, and you can feel how small you are here...nature is a wonder.

We find a great snack stone in the middle of the river and we will definitely not forget this. There are so many rocks and eddies along the whole route, so that a paddle junkie like Jörg doesn't know which one to take first, because he wants to take them all 🤣🤣🤣...there are also many rapids and waves 🌊 and it's just fun!!!

After about 3 hours we reach Les Rozier and the most exciting challenge is still waiting for us ... hitchhiking in 🇫🇷 we change clothes and I stand by the road. It shouldn't be a problem, but the commercial paddle providers aren't operating at this water level, so there are no other paddlers on the river except us...which is annoying, because no matter what I one picks me up...then after about 45 minutes, it happens...a small white Peugeot stops and I am taken to Les Vignes...check 👍

I catch the bus 🚎 back to Les Rozier and we pack up and head towards Ste. Enimie...but we stop along the way, because we still have.....drum roll...rhubarb cake 😋😋😋 we devour it (by the way, a big compliment to the 1a baker at home 😉) and then we continue. We stop in Ste. Enimie and take a stroll through the village to check out a few things (...what is a secret until we get back 😋). Then we go to the hotel, take a shower and doze off a bit...because at 7pm we have a table reserved in a small restaurant. When we arrive, the landlord greets us kindly and explains that this is his house with the restaurant on the ground floor and he cooks everything fresh in his "home kitchen" and he does it absolutely PERFECTLY...there is local beef fillet with zucchini, potato gratin and hold on tight ...chestnuts...and friends of culinary delights...they are DELICIOUS...wowisauce...a big compliment to the 👨‍🍳 and a compliment for this nice little cozy restaurant. To finish off, Jörg gets a quadruple!!! cognac from the owner of the house and I drive back to the hotel. Another exciting and eventful day comes to an end and today we are also thinking of you, missing you and wishing you a good night!!!🌙😴 

Pas de Soucy
Pas de Soucy

پاسخ (1)

Vielen lieben dank für die tollen berichte und die traumhaften Fotos. Eure Studienfahrt ist jetzt schon ein voller Erfolg