
July 2019 - Lindau on Lake Constance

منتشر شده: 13.07.2019

If the lightning doesn't strike right here, I have nothing sensational to report from Lindau. Unfortunately, our three days in Lindau mainly consisted of rain, heavy rain, and thunderstorms. The chances of lightning strikes are therefore not too bad at the moment. So let's see.

Of course, I would have liked to report something else here, but I actually ran out of ideas. And that in the three-country triangle on Lake Constance. Boat trips and city tours were unfortunately canceled due to the weather. However, we still had nice weather and the opportunity to briefly visit Lindau on the day of arrival.

The small town is located on an island which is connected to the mainland by a bridge. The town of Lindau is bigger, but the island itself is more interesting for tourists. By the way, it actually consists of three separate islands. In 1831, it was still said that they were only connected by bridges.

Today, the island of Lindau is still quite small: it is only 666 m wide and 1.3 km long. And because the town is also pretty to look at, there are plenty of hotels, accommodations, and restaurants on the few square meters.

The entrance to the harbor in Lindau is well-known far beyond the city limits. To the right, you can see the New Lighthouse, to the left, the Bavarian Lion, and in the background, the panorama of the Austrian Alps. The view towards the city is also worth it. Here, the Mangturm catches the eye.

We would have liked to visit Mainau Island by boat from here, for example. However, due to the bad weather, we changed our plans. To Stephanie's delight, we visited the Barbary apes at Affenberg Salem during a break in the rain. They live in a small forest area and are very friendly. This is because tourists can feed them with special monkey popcorn (unsweetened). However, each visitor only gets a handful of it. There are also numerous storks and other birds on the premises.

Since there was a 100% chance of rain the next day, we had to find an indoor activity. Luckily, the famous Graf Zeppelin built his airships here on Lake Constance. That's why there is a large museum in Friedrichshafen dedicated to it. Now, we are not big museum visitors. This is because they are often very theoretical. However, the Zeppelin Museum has managed to create a museum that you can touch and experience (at least partially). For example, the gondola of a Zeppelin was reconstructed with its cabins, salons, etc. This almost gave us the feeling of being guests on such an airship. Everything reminded us of the interior of a luxury liner on water and was probably intended that way. Today's airplanes are not comparable at all.

When we left the museum and already had our umbrella ready, suddenly the miracle happened: the sun was shining! Although not for long, we had the opportunity to stroll along the promenade in Friedrichshafen. The Seehasenfest (Lake Hare Festival) was just starting (half full). Everything was already set up, only the guests were missing.

Anyway, everything will be fine, tomorrow we will continue to the Swiss Alps. There awaits us a cozy 8 degrees. I hope the weather app didn't mean that seriously.


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