
31.05.2019 Vienna and the political youth

منتشر شده: 01.06.2019

No one, really no one, had the intention of raising a rebellious youth. They should remain sluggish and self-centered as they were. Uninterested in everything and noncommittal. That is much more convenient. The elders continue to rule in their own interest and everything goes on.

And then something incredible happens suddenly: the youth rebels, organizes themselves, takes responsibility, and demonstrates massively. And that everywhere in Europe. I think that's great! It was about time too. The (19)68ers are long gone. The (20)18ers have the potential to go down in history similarly. Especially because so many are participating. And there are more and more. It is still expandable at our home, as far as the number is concerned. But what we experienced here in Vienna was already a different dimension. And this in Austria, which was politically led firmly to the right. But that is no longer the case, at least not currently. From Vienna's perspective, events are currently unfolding here. First the Ibiza affair, which cost Chancellor Kurz his office. Then the European election with a historically high voter turnout of over 60%. Even though, of course, the right-wing still receives a lot of support, it is the young people who have finally reacted. Through voting, protests, and vigils, they are much more politically engaged as a mass than a few years ago. For example, here in Vienna, the photo exhibition 'Against Forgetting', which shows the victims of the Holocaust, was destroyed multiple times by the right-wing. Now there are vigils by various youth organizations, taking turns and protecting the photos. Among them, for example, is the Muslim Youth of Austria (MJÖ). These are indeed signals.

But of course, we were most impressed by the huge demonstration for climate protection. It was led by consistently very young speakers and today Greta Thunberg was also present. It was announced everywhere that she would join the demonstration. We were already informed about that on our way to the subway.

So politicians beware. Nowadays, you can not only lose your face through hidden cameras, but also if you don't take the youth seriously. By the way, just now the following news came in: Austria has its first female Chancellor, namely Brigitte Bierlein.


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