So,ich habe quasi mitgefahren und schöne Fotos gesehen, aber ansonsten hauptsächlich die Daumen gedrückt!منتشر شده: 12.02.2024
So - it's time! The Finnish roadside assistance was unable to offer us any repairs to our car in the near future. That's why the ÖAMTC decided after what felt like 20 phone calls to bring our car home. Since we have a protection letter, it doesn't cost us anything... but the ÖAMTC will definitely fork out a few thousand euros. According to the announcement, the car will be in Graz in approx. 6 weeks...🙏
What have we done today? How wildly organized! We have organized:
Now we are legitimately tired! Tonight we'll take another look at the sky to see if we can see a few more lights as we say goodbye and then we can only hope that everything works out as planned tomorrow. The schedule is quite tight and leaves little room for maneuver, but we are hopeful that everything will work out!
Thank you for your kind comments, good wishes and enthusiasm!
Keep your fingers crossed a little longer!