
The anticipation is rising!

منتشر شده: 05.10.2018

'The days are now numbered' - seriously?

Between new orders and deliveries, we slowly but surely checked off the last items on our packing list.

A few days ago, we did a trial packing and it went pretty smoothly - everything roughly fit into the bags. That was before the sleeping bags arrived 🙈.

All of a sudden, half of the space was gone. Panicking, I grabbed the phone and dialed our travel provider's number. After explaining my problem, the only solution offered was: 'Just wait until you're in Nepal, there won't be any problems there!'🤣

So... we'll just wait until we're in Nepal! 😎

One week before the start of our journey, both of us are struggling with our health. We still need to get that under control, after all, we have a few things planned!

We have no idea how often we'll actually have the opportunity to use wifi and how we'll find the time (with already blackened fingers 😄) to write a few lines for those reading along at home...

But if you feel like joining us on this journey, you are very welcome.

Laurain, Daniel, and currently still Dayo (who is currently too scared to enter the bedroom because there's a fly buzzing around)

Flies gone (there were 2), but the dog is still panicking...

Good night!


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