2 Motorradbrueder-auf-reisen
2 Motorradbrueder-auf-reisen

So ist der Plan

منتشر شده: 19.09.2017

I have been planning, discarding, and re-planning days and weeks on the PC, thank goodness I love music and, as my grandpa always said, say 'long-haired stuff' Foo Fighters, ACDC, Lynard Skynard, etc. that makes the long hours on the PC easier and more pleasant. And since I always listen to music with headphones, it's also for my wife.

So I plan and discard, feel strong enough to sit on the bike for 450 km daily and the next day, when my butt hurts after 8 hours of office work, I become wavering again and reconsider everything I have planned.

We planned to go on 7 day tours up and the same number back, maybe take a break on one or the other day and just rest and relax at particularly beautiful places.

But sometimes there are doubts whether I can do it.

With Markus, such fluctuating emotions are of course discussed as usual among men and my doubts are eliminated. But of course, it's easy for him, as his seat is more like a living room couch.

The framework, motorhome, trailer, route, etc. are ready, now the important things come, now we have to think about the small, easily overlooked things. How much and what kind of clothing do we need on the motorcycle, how long can we ride with our tires, after all, the route is over 5300 km long. Which tools do we take with us. How do we communicate while driving, smoke or hand signals or do we use a Bluetooth system placed in the helmet, speaking of helmets, which helmet should you take, I tend to my Shark EvoLine, because I can ride with it open in nice weather and just close it when it rains.

But in the next few weeks, we will surely think of many more things that we absolutely need and have to take with us. However, we have to plan carefully, we still have a handicap, because we are taking our wives with us, so 2/3 of the space is already gone!

Speaking of women, they are just as electrified by the idea of driving to Nordkap.

Bluetooth system: We have now decided to buy a system for our helmets. Our choice fell on a system from China, but not all systems come from China, even those for a lot of money, so we just try it out and if it works, we will report on it, if it doesn't work anyway. The system is called BT Interphone V8, this system has the advantage that a remote control is included, which is attached to the handlebars. On Ebay, the system is offered for the price of 178.00 Euros, mind you 2 complete sets. For this money, you only get the cables of the system from others. The remote control eliminates the desperate search for the right button on the side of the helmet and we can see with our eyes which wrong button we press. The system should work up to 1200 meters, well, we'll see or rather hear. You can use the system for navigation, phone, listening to music, and operate it and also talk to your partner. What more could you want. So we test and report.


We men have also decided to take at least two motorcycle suits + rain gear with us, of course, taking into account our wives, specifically their sensitivity to smells that women have.

Also important is warm clothing up north, because it can quickly become cool and uncomfortable and we don't want to freeze in the summer.
