
08.November...let's go...

منتشر شده: 09.11.2018

Continuing to NZ
Continuing to NZ
Breeding station
Breeding station
Almost at the top air
Almost at the top air
14 min walk
14 min walk

There is a saying..'... if nothing happens, it's not a Haese vacation... ', but it didn't have to start like this... Train delayed, kicked out of the first ICE train because it was overcrowded, time reserves are melting away. In the end, it worked out, I even had a short meeting with Olaf at the airport. The flight to Singapore took a while, but with friendly service and good music in my ears, 12 hours of sitting are bearable. 2 hours break in Singapore, a little movement is good. I went out of the air-conditioned building into a small butterfly garden with outdoor climate... Pretty warm and humid here...And there are big butterflies here...Pictures will follow, now continuing to Christchurch.....
