Unterwegs in der spanischen Sonne
Unterwegs in der spanischen Sonne

Tag 4

منتشر شده: 22.05.2023


After a generous breakfast at the beautiful city hotel, the bus picks us up and takes us to Porcelanosa. Porcelanosa is the largest ceramic factory in Europe and a very large factory in Spain. Porcelanosa has many large buildings and halls. In Porcelanosa, we can first watch a film about its history. After this film, we learn how these ceramic tiles are made, painted, and sold. The whole tour takes a long time, but it is extremely exciting and the end results are very beautiful. In the reception building of the factory, the workers create a beautiful exhibition on a different theme every year. This year, the theme is hotels. This means that many beautiful bathrooms, bedrooms, and kitchens are displayed. It feels a bit like being in an Ikea store.

Right after this tour and exhibition, we visit a large packaging and export factory for oranges. Here we can see many machines, crates, and it usually smells very delicious because of this typical Spanish fruit. However, there is not much else to see in the factory, so we go for a snack... at 12:30... we are definitely very full after this huge delivery of tapas and drinks.

In line with the orange factory in the morning, we briefly visit an orange plantation. It's beautiful... many scents, beautiful flowers, and very tasty, fresh oranges.

As if these activities were not enough, we are lucky to also visit the training center of FC Villarreal. This facility includes, among other things, a boarding school for young football players, a school, and several football fields. Training takes place on most of the fields, from young to old...

After this exciting day, we are very tired and need to relax, take a shower, and unwind at the hotel. But at half past 8, we continue... in a delicious restaurant, where we enjoy some specialties. On this day, we also say goodbye to our acquaintance.

Another eventful day comes to an end.


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