
02.06.2015 Residing in Perth, Scarborough

منتشر شده: 03.05.2019

Residing in Perth

Hello dear ones, it may take a while before we continue traveling, so it will also take a while before you see new entries here. We have decided to stay in Perth for a few more months to work for two to three months. We will finance our trip with the money we earn and do not have to touch our savings. Of course, we hope that everything goes as planned. For these few months, we have already found a room where we can live. The family we are currently living with and working for on weekends lives in Scarborough. Mike helps with the construction of the house, and I help with cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the 3 children in the evening. See you soon =) PS: Today we learned that baby koalas eat their mommy's poop :-D.


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