Death Valley + Las Vegas

منتشر شده: 21.08.2018

Hi there,

last night I unfortunately didn't get much sleep in our hostel (with squeaky bunk bed). As you know, we're getting closer to Death Valley, which means it's getting warmer. In Lone Pine, it was still around 25 degrees at night. We had a monster of an air conditioning unit in the room, which was still super loud even on the 'low' setting and blew the air directly towards the bed. So we had a choice between the plague and cholera. Extremely warm in the room and therefore no sleep, or extremely loud and windy and therefore no sleep. That's how it was for me at least. Luisa had a better night (except for a hot flash) :-).

Nevertheless, I was top fit in the morning (that's been the case for days now). We started the day with a substantial breakfast in our small, typical US town:

This is the
This is the 'appetizer' for breakfast according to Americans
The breakfast shop
The breakfast shop

The store was packed and people were piling food onto their plates (eggs, bacon, pancakes, ketchup, Tabasco, BBQ sauce, burgers, etc.). And it was only 7 am! But the food was really delicious. Right after breakfast, we prepared for Death Valley. That means filling up the tank and buying the obligatory 3 liters of water per person. And then we were off:

The Death Valley Adventure

After about an hour of driving, we already arrived at the entrance of Death Valley NP:

It was already very hot... but it was going to get worse. Maybe we didn't choose the best time to visit (we arrived at Badwater Basin at noon)... but one step at a time. Our destination was clear: Badwater Basin, the lowest and hottest point in the USA. It was another hour's drive from the park entrance. Despite being a well-known and frequently visited national park, you feel alone most of the time - except at the hotspots. There is a strange silence there, similar to being in a recording studio. There are no external influences - you simply hear NOTHING!

Anyway, we continued descending into the valley. 5000 ft, 3000 ft, 1000 ft, sea level (practically at 0). With each meter we descended, the thermometer in the car rose: 35°, 40°, 45°. There were more and more warning signs about the heat, and also signs advising to turn off the air conditioning to prevent the car from overheating. Oh dear... what awaits us there.

And who
And who's hiking to the left of the sign? :-)

At some point, our navigation system failed due to the heat, and even my (oh so great) iPhone X started causing problems and had a 3-second delay. Then finally, we approached our destination - exactly 85.5 meters below sea level. One last look at the thermometer: 50° - in the shade. So when we open the doors, we can expect about 60°. We look at each other again, nod, and open the doors. BOOM. Like hitting a wall. It was an extremely intense, unfamiliar heat that was almost unbearable. It was also extremely windy. But not the pleasant breeze we know in Germany when it's 35°, which we say is a "pleasant breeze given the weather" - No! It was a hot, whipping wind that burned the skin. But we still managed to put on a little smile for you:

After taking the photo and video for you, we quickly retreated back into the car. It was starting to feel dizzy. On the way back through breathtaking landscapes with slightly milder temperatures, we took this snapshot:

It was definitely an experience to be exposed to these temperatures. After that, our journey took us to Vegas. Along the way, we stopped at a Walmart. They have an incredible variety of really good things, and of course, the stereotypical milk and orange juice cartons are a must :-) Everything here is really XXL.

On the way, we also saw a few small but real dust devils in the desert. Also very interesting. We have now arrived in Vegas. But that's a whole different story, and I still have to think about how to describe this city in words... It's just so different, so unreal, so... I still haven't found the right word. The city is something else and deserves its own blog tomorrow.

As you can tell, the blogs are slowly getting longer and more detailed. At first, I thought about keeping them short and snappy to keep the readers engaged. But now I'm thinking a bit more selfishly. I'm currently experiencing my dream, which I've been dreaming for more than 10 years... and in the end, it's also a memory for us - me and Luisa. So... I apologize to those who don't like to read :-) but if we experience a lot or something exciting, it might get a bit longer. You can also see more in the photo gallery.

The next 2 days will be about 'relaxing' and having fun in Las Vegas. We'll keep you updated.

Take care.
Dean + Luisa
