
Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela

منتشر شده: 03.06.2019

It is said that it often rains in Santiago de Compostela. We need to clear up this stereotype once and for all, it rains on the way there, but when you enter the city, the rain simply stops. Today we covered a total of 21 km on completely unspectacular paths, mainly due to the continuous rain, which did slightly dampen our 'finale' with the arrival in Santiago. But a true pilgrim doesn't mind bad weather, they just keep going. In addition to many other celebrating pilgrims and a very special feeling, we were even blessed with some sunshine when we entered the square in front of the cathedral. This was truly a great ending to a 23-day hike from Bilbao to Santiago de Compostela. Tomorrow we will fulfill our 'pilgrim duties'. On the one hand, that means picking up the so-called 'Compostela' (pilgrim certificate), which every pilgrim is entitled to if they have walked the last 100 km to Santiago de Compostela and have proof (with a 'Cello' - Spanish for stamp). On the other hand, we will attend the mass and visit the cathedral from the inside. More details will follow.

پاسخ (3)

Super. Ihr seid echte Helden.

Gratulation, ihr Pilgermänner! Nun fehlt noch das Bild aus der Messe mit dem legendären Weihrauchfass in der insgesamt tollen Bilderstrecke zum Miterleben.

Auf das was ihr geschafft habt, könnt ihr sehr stolz sein! Respekt und Anerkennung! Gratulation!