Im Temple Paradise

منتشر شده: 26.11.2017

This entry doesn't need many words. I think the pictures speak for themselves=)

Just a few facts about our visit to Angkor Wat.

We booked 4 nights in Siem Reap in a hotel because we wanted to buy a 3-day pass for the temples. It cost a whopping $62 per person!!!

The complex houses the largest religious building in the world and a variety of other small temples. Since the whole area is so huge and extensive, we rented a tuk-tuk for the whole day on the first day. We paid an additional $15 for the short ride, but the driver stopped everywhere and waited for hours in the scorching hot sun.

On the first day, we visited the most famous temples, such as Bayon, Angkor Thom, Preah Khan, Sra Sang, Ta Prohm, and of course the largest one, Angkor Wat. For those of you who may have seen the movie Tomb Raider, it was filmed in the temple "Ta Prohm". I felt more like I was in the Jungle Book, as if we were walking through the real city of the apes and about to meet King Louie=)

Ultimately, many temples looked very similar, but each one was a bit different and incredibly impressive. The many tiny details and decorations were sometimes overshadowed by the size and dimension of the temples. We didn't know exactly where to look!

Unfortunately, the large, famous temples were completely overrun by tourists and we could hardly walk through the individual temples in peace, let alone take a photo. And to add to that, the unbearable heat!! The sun was beating down relentlessly all day long, and after visiting the first temple, we were completely soaked in sweat (I had to wear long pants and a jacket to enter the temples).

We had saved the highlight, Angkor Wat, for last, but we were so tired and annoyed that we could hardly appreciate the beauty of the temple, and the visit turned into a "Walk there, look, take a photo, run away" kind of experience... I really couldn't see any more temples that day!

We spent the second day mostly in the hotel and in the city, among other things, to recover from our sunstroke.

But on the third day, we decided to make another round and this time take the big tour. It was much less crowded and we were almost alone in some temples. The weather was also on our side, with the clouds hiding the scorching sun... it was still warm, but better than the day before=)

We decided to visit Angkor Wat again and enjoyed it much more this time.

All in all, we spent two exciting and impressive days in the complex! I hope the pictures can at least capture a bit of the atmosphere=)


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