
6. Thailand - Koh Muk, the Cozy

منتشر شده: 05.03.2018

The cozy island Koh Muk has pleased us exceptionally well. We extended our stay here to 4 days.

Hardly visited beaches, wild jungle penetrated by small paths, huge butterflies, towering, rugged cliffs, no cars and (still) an authentic life of the inhabitants.

Our favorite beach Sabai Beach with its own snorkeling area.

Some of the nicer stilt houses of the fishermen in Koh Muk.

This soccer field is only available at low tide.

From our canoe trip around Koh Muk. From above, the stalactite, which we called the 'Hand of God', can be seen.

It was a strange feeling to paddle on the open Indian Ocean around steep rocky islands.

This former pirate hideout (called Emerald Cave) could not have been better imagined by Hollywood. A small beach, only accessible by boat through this 80m long and only passable tunnel at low tide. The beach is surrounded by vertical cliffs from all sides (just google Emerald Cave).

Cute hermit crabs everywhere.

No beach walk passed without at least one crab (held by Martje's hand) finding itself in airy heights again.


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