
Day 34 Kestrini Landzunge-Alps Lake Region Metsovo

منتشر شده: 11.08.2021

In the morning I always enjoy the view from the bed for a short while. Usually it's brilliant. This morning a ferry from Corfu to Igoumenitsa passed right by our parking spot. Shortly afterwards we saw a dolphin, what luck. When we wanted to leave the spot, I expressed the wish to walk ahead. It was an incredibly long gravel road, lagoon on the left and right. I was totally excited about the bird world. Flamingos, cormorants, curly pelicans and other things. When Burki arrived, we shared a small moment enjoying this wonderful nature together. Afterwards, we drove about 150 km only on country roads towards Ioannina. Here too we had impressive views in the mountains. In between, a beautiful river invited us to swim and cool off. Because today we also had temperatures of up to 37 degrees Celsius. After Ioannina, we went back into the mountains. At the top, a high plateau with agriculture opened up. There were many potato plants, tractors and a few people in the fields. From a distance, you could already see the dam of the Aoos Lake. And behind it was a beautiful reservoir with shimmering blue-green water and small islands in between. To get a great parking spot, Rudi had to show what he can do once again. Burki sat in the saddle and enjoyed the off-road ride.


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