
Bidaia-koadernoak Sabah

Bidaia-blog berriak eta aipagarriak Sabah

Autobusez Kota Kinabalutik Sandakanera 🇲🇾 Borneon

Crocodile Farm, hotz batek kanporatzen gaitu, planak atzeratu egin behar dira. Orokorrean hasiera go...

🇲🇾 Kundasang auf Borneo ⛰️ Kinabalu mendia

Leku txiki bitxia; Borneoko mendirik garaienaren bistaz gozatu genuen. Harrapaketa bakarra: nola urr...

Three weeks of diving and volunteering @TRACC on Pom Pom Island

the start of an unforgettable adventure on Pom Pom

Mount Kinabalu Climb (2 days, 1 night)

We dared to climb from the Kinabalu's Low's Peak and successfully conquered it. An adventure we will...

Beachdays in Kota Kinabalu

We also visit the city of Kota Kinabalu in the Sabah region of Borneo, where we spend two days on Ma...