Who cares? Off to aussie
Who cares? Off to aussie

Part 2 of our trip - Tasmania

Argitaratu: 09.12.2019

The second part of our trip can begin. 19 days on the island of Tasmania - for those who don't know Tasmania, it is the large island below the mainland and is a state of Australia known for its untouched nature.

Emilia, my best friend from childhood, has found her new home there and has been living in the capital city of Hobart for several years now. She was the reason why I have been thinking about traveling to Australia for years to finally visit her!!

And the best part is, her birthday is just one day before mine, so we were able to celebrate our birthdays together for the first time in a long time this year.

So we arrived in Hobart on Friday, December 6th and were picked up from the airport by Jemma, a good friend of Emilia, and taken to her amazing house that she shares with 4 other fun and really nice people. The first thing we noticed here in Tasmania, and could clearly feel, is that the weather is completely different from the East Coast. From the 27 degrees Celsius at 4 o'clock in the morning in Brisbane, it was only 15 degrees Celsius in Hobart and there was a cold wind. Here, it is currently the transition from spring to winter, so it's like in April for us, within a few hours it can rain and be cold, and then it can be sunny and hot again, or both at the same time.

Birthday Weekend

In the evening, the party started and we got to know all of Emilia's friends at the birthday welcome party and celebrated Emilia's birthday with drinks, music, and karaoke.

The next morning, well actually noon, we went for a nice brunch and in the afternoon we took a walk to the beach with the two dogs (Remus, Emilia's dog, and Henry, Jessi and Alex's little sausage dog). Then we had delicious cake and coffee with a magnificent view, as the house has such a great location, you have a wonderful view of the ocean and the city.

In the evening, we went to a fancy rum bar to toast Emilia once again with cocktails. Then we continued to a great bar where live electronic music was playing and we danced into my birthday. A great birthday night!!!

Me, Emilia, Jemma, and Simone

After two days of partying, we took it easy on Sunday, slept in, went for breakfast/brunch again (that's something they really like to do here in Australia and we learned it's really good), took another walk on the beach, and for me, there was coffee and cake with candles to blow out.

We ended the day with a nightcap at an Aussie pub with burgers, cider, and Scrabble, and then we all went to bed tired after this long but really great birthday weekend.

Once again, thank you to everyone who thought of me on my birthday (or a day later due to the time difference 😅)!!


Bidaien txostenak Australia