Trips mit Travis
Trips mit Travis

Travis' first impressions of Palau

Argitaratu: 30.11.2023


We arrived in Palau at around 3 a.m. the night before yesterday. Everything went really smoothly and quickly at the airport. Completely in contrast to the start of the flight in Manila. But this is another story. In any case, my oldest was really stressed and loaded.

She liked it all the better here in Palau. Already upon arrival: my older ones always have to show a dark red booklet at the airport that contains, among other things, photos of them. Then a stamp goes in there. Here the stamp is a text about the fact that as a visitor you preserve and respect nature. And that is actually signed.

Pledge, with signature in the passport
"Footprints that will wash away"

That's something. Because otherwise you don't actually write around in the booklet yourself. Oh yes, it’s called a passport.

Well, when we arrived it was of course dark and my older ones were pretty tired. We were even more excited when we looked out the window the next morning.

View from the balcony of our room
Breakfast on the “house beach”

This makes breakfast even more fun. No noise, just a view...

Me by the sea

And when I saw how calm the water is in this little bay (it's warm too - 29 degrees or so), I thought, maybe it will work here, that I'll carefully "stick a toe in". We're still here for a while.

On the first day we had to rest.

Enjoy the area

But today we went diving. I was also allowed on the boat!

On the way to diving

And just the journey of around 45 minutes was an experience in itself. It's so beautiful here with all the little (and bigger) green ball islands! Rock Islands...

And then my older ones were in the water and dived in two places that are probably world famous among divers.

Blue Corners and Blue Holes.

Sooo many fish at Blue Corner
My oldest really liked it
And so many hunters
A cozy and curious Napoleon wrasse

You basically hang yourself in the current with a hook on a rope on the reef and then you can watch the spectacle go by like in the cinema. Lots of fish, sharks, baracudas and so on. And there was also a large, curious fish that looked at the divers up close. He has really thick lips. That's probably why it's called Napoleon Wrasse.

My oldest was a little nervous at first because she had never done anything like that before. But then it was probably quite simple and the two of them said things like “breathtaking”. I didn't even know that. And at first I looked a bit askance. Who wants to be deprived of their breath underwater? My oldest said that I shouldn't always weigh every word. There were no scales there at all. And certainly not gold.

Well, Blue Holes then anyway. There are four large openings in the reef roof and if you sink through them you end up in a huge, coral-covered grotto. Light shines in from above and the side and you can see the blue of the water outside.

Blue Holes
My oldest really liked it

And finally, before the return trip, there was a picnic on a deserted island with a white sandy beach and a great view. Pure South Sea feeling.

Lunch break
My oldest really liked it

Tomorrow we'll go out again and maybe I'll be allowed to go again. I really liked it.

I keep you updated! See you soon and greetings from Travis the Buddy Bear

Erantzun (2)

Lieber Travis, da seid Ihr aber echt an einem Ort gelandet, der mir das Herz aufgehen lässt! (Das ist jetzt auch nicht so wörtlich gemeint 😉). Ich möchte einfach sagen: wuuuuuuuuunderschön 😍😍😍. Und ich bin mir fast sicher, dass es an diesem Ort in dem warmen Wasser für dich eine grandiose Erfahrung ist, mal noch näher mit dem Wasser in Kontakt zu kommen. Ich werde dich dann, wenn du es wagst, in meinen Gedanken mit begleiten 😇. Und weißt du: sowas hilft, auch wenn man sich nicht so in echt berühren kann. Aber gehe es entspannt an! Ihr habt ja Zeit. Nun bestell Deinen Großen noch ganz liebe Grüße von mir 😘😘😘. Bis bald 😘

Dankeschön. Das fühlt sich jetzt schon gut an, wie Du das so beschreibst. Ich glaube, hier traue ich mich tatsächlich... Bald... Die Grüße richte ich auf jeden Fall ganz schnell aus!

Bidaien txostenak Palau
#travis#roundtheworld#palau#koror #bluecorner#bluehole#diving#suedsee#pledge#rockislands