Sommer, Sonne, Kaktus
Sommer, Sonne, Kaktus

Magnetic Island

Argitaratu: 09.06.2017

On Friday, 21.04.2017, we took the ferry to 'Magnetic Island' for two nights.

The island was discovered by the British captain James Cook and his crew for Europe in 1770. When they sailed past the island, their compass went crazy, so Cook suspected that the island was made of magnetite. But that wasn't the case. The name 'Magnetic Island' has remained.

On the island you can snorkel, swim, hike... And you can observe wonderful koalas. During World War II, fortifications were built on the island for the surveillance and protection of the air and sea. We visited the remains of these fortifications, called 'The Forts'. We were told that there are many koalas to be found on the way there. And we were lucky! These little guys are really cute. :-)

Apart from that, we spent our time swimming, eating, drinking beer, and chilling in hammocks.

In the morning of our departure, we went kayaking. The water was relatively calm within the bay where we started. But once we paddled out of the bay, it shook us quite a bit. After half an hour, I felt really sick!

While trying to steer towards a beach, Marion and I capsized. Fortunately, we were not far from shore.

Later, Flo told us that he saw something big in the water in the bay, probably a shark. We will probably never know...


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