
Time to say 'good bye' 👋

Argitaratu: 24.02.2019


During our trip, we always had the time to... we could spontaneously decide when, how and where to go next. At some point, we had to keep an eye on our return flight date.... Now it was time to count the days and plan. We had one more week in Malaysia.

From Banda Aceh, we take the night bus back to Medan... where we entered Sumatra weeks ago.

This time it's finally "Bye Bye" Indonesia 🇮🇩😪.

A short stopover in Melakka before continuing to Johor Bahru.... Legoland here we come... Paul has been waiting for this day since Christmas.

On this day, Paul got up, got dressed and hopped on the bus faster than ever before.

Legoland has a lot to offer that makes Paul's heart beat faster. He was able to shake hands with some of his Lego heroes from Star Wars and Ninjago. There was a little movie to watch in the 4D cinema 👍. Since it wasn't very busy that day, we were able to enjoy several wild rides, much to Paul's delight, without waiting for a long time. Kris, on the other hand, reached her limit 😳. Her limit for entertainment has been reached. Volunteers please sign up! 😁

Today our flight back home is from Kuala Lumpur. In KL, we took it easy. A little shopping, seeing the Petronas Towers at night, strolling through markets, Fish Spa, and eating well and deliciously one more time.

In the last 3 months, traveling has been our everyday life. We had to plan, organize, and research. With all the ups and downs, this trip will always be remembered. We have experienced a lot, seen a lot, met many interesting people, and (almost) always felt welcome.

We don't want to miss this time and we are glad to have fulfilled our dream. We hope that we will be able to take a little bit of the calmness and serenity that we have experienced (especially in Indonesia) home with us and manage to keep it 🧘🏻.

Maybe in the future, we will have the opportunity to make such a trip again. We already have ideas about where to go 🤗.


Erantzun (2)

Guten Morgen aus Deutschland. Joa. So schnell sind in der Tat drei Monate rum... aber eure zusammenfassenden Worte klingen doch ganz positiv. Tolle Tour und ich freue mich, dass ihr das auch alles so umgesetzt habt. Nun kommt gut zurück ;). Auch in der märkischen Sandbüchse kann es ganz cool sein, wenn man den Alltagstrott nicht zu sehr an sich ran lässt. Bis bald ;-)

Das war's also... Schön, dass wir euch auf diese Weise begleiten durften. Nun wünsche ich euch einen guten Rückflug. Hier warten der Frühling (und Fasching) auf euch. Und wir! ...freuen uns auf euch. Bis die Tage!

Bidaien txostenak Malaysia