
Kiruna - the northernmost city in Sweden - August 18th

Argitaratu: 21.08.2019

It's cool in the morning, we decide to wear long pants...mmhhh...not ideal... but at least it's dry.

The journey continues...!

We decide to do some shopping again in Jokkmokk. Here we find more funky people...totally chill...seems to be a mecca here. Shopping cart filled with expensive stuff and off we go.

The weather quickly turns gray and gloomy, with drizzly rain.

We try to imagine the landscape in the sun... At least we see some reindeer again. We are on our way to the northernmost city in Sweden. Kiruna - an industrial city in the middle of Lapland. The population is about 18,000 people and it seems that almost all of them work at LKAB - the largest iron ore mine in the world. The entire city is currently being relocated to continue mining here. The layers in the mountains look really impressive, even though the view is heavily obscured by low-hanging clouds.

Before we drive to the campsite in the city, we stop at the huge supermarkets outside the city, where building, electrical, and mega supermarkets are next to each other. Despite having excellent raincoats, we decide to get an umbrella. The rain keeps getting stronger...why actually...where is the amazing Lapland postcard weather...?

The umbrella is our only haul and we drive to the campground.

Which is not a huge catch either,...you can see the Birth from above...nice! Plus, the weather couldn't make up its mind and kept switching between drizzle, heavy rain, and short dry intervals...what to do...walk into the city...or wait...??? We decide to pass the time with a beer...and the wait is long...Jörni takes the dog for a walk in between and we decide to listen to music and drink more beer. Luckily, it's dry when it's time to cook in the evening. We have our usual fish and salad and go to bed early.


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