

Bondi, Blue Mountains, and good news! <p>So once again it was a quiet week. This is because as soon as we arrived in Sydney, we started looking for jobs. Every day on the internet, on various forums, we sent applications, made phone calls, and even went door to door two days ago...all in vain - UNTIL yesterday 😊 We received a direct response: we are pleased to welcome you to our farm on Tuesday. The job is about 5 hours away from our current location, but we only have our room until Wednesday anyway. We are currently visiting all the sights here in Sydney, and then the further journey fits into our plan as well! Finally, we will be paid an hourly wage, and not a small amount at that👏🏼 The job will last for two weeks initially, and we will be planting trees and tearing down fences, among other things that are typical of a farm. We are curious to see how it goes!</p><p><br /></p><p>In the meantime, we visited the stunning Bondi Beach, where we even spent a whole day swimming and just lying and chilling on the sand😁 The water was warm and we could watch the surfers, who are famous for this beach. And by the way, surfing is also on our list of things to do 😉🌊</p><p><br /></p><p>Today, we went to the Blue Mountains, with breathtaking views. I can't say how many kilometers we hiked, but at times I thought: okay, my life is over 😂 On the way down into the forest, there were about 950 stairs, going down was manageable, but on the other side, there were just as many (if not more) going up! They were unbelievably steep at times. Thankfully, we had checked the weather beforehand, which predicted that we would only have 22 degrees today. That made things much easier. It would have been impossible to do it in the heat. The path through the woods led us past small waterfalls, bridges, and bushes. So overall, it was very beautiful! After shopping, cooking, and showering, I am now lying exhausted in bed🙈</p><p><br /></p><p>Greetings from Down Under</p>